The second day of shooting we went into the city to get some clothes, which necessitated a stop at the mall.
Berry and Derek with their super serious shopper faces on.
The crazy giant inny-outy escalator staircase
So I was a little bored. We moved on. We ended up going over to the Gate then around Fort Point and up to The Presidio and finally moving on to Haight Street. On the way to Haight we met the greatest man at a gas station who thought I was amazing and that Berry was beautiful and I needed to make more babies. As he went out the door to, as he put it, tell my husband to put more babies in me (Damn I Love San Francisco) I yelled “That’s not my husband!!” As if the rest of it wasn’t embarrassing enough. The whole spectacle was a bunch of hilarious fun.
We got to Haight in time for the light, which made me extremely happy.
We were quite the crowd pleasers, made some new friends:
Haight Street was a bunch of fun. We decided to chase the light back over to the Gate but didn’t quite make it in time. Wah wah wah. So we were off to find dinner. We ended up down on the pier.
We had a good dinner and wandered a bit before heading further downtown to do some night photography in the city.
After a few hours downtown we decided it would be easier to stay up all night than to go back to the hotel and sleep for a couple hours then get up for the sunrise at the Gate. So. We wandered the city a bit before stopping at an all night diner for breakfast and heading up to the top of Fort Point where Derek played Angry Birds the rest of the night while I snored and Berry stretched out across the back seat of the Charger. Good times.
The best part was the sunrise being fogged in.
We went back to the hotel and slept for a few hours before we did some shots in the pretty window light in the room and headed out.
We were going to the Muir Wood, to shoot in the redwood forest, on the way the light was so nice I put a bounce in Ds lap and shot some images on the über-windey road.
The woods were packed so we went on to the beach which was beautiful.
After the beach we zoomed back to the city for some awesome sushi and then Haight Street for the tattoo I’ve been waiting to get. D ended up with one as well. From Mom’s Tattoo Parlor. Awesome.
We had one last stop before taking D home and that was the milkshake I promised him a couple moths ago.
We went to Mel’s dine (of course) and he got a chocolate, peanut butter, caramel milkshake. It was pretty good. D on sugar was about ten times worse than D on food. It was pretty damn funny.
We dropped him off, found our hotel and passed out cold.
Tagged: beauty, Canon, color, Derek Hutchins, illustrate, images, Jenn LeBlanc, model, photography, portfolio, portraits, sexy